The Four-Hour Ad
Over 18 Million
People Watched


"Range anxiety" is keeping people from buying EVs.
And Nissan set out to eliminate that.

So, we created an ad that ran for four hours — which is about the length of a cruise on our EV.

We took a risk and hacked into a culture no one had infiltrated before. We placed ourselves in front of the LoFi Girl YouTube Channel — an audience that we discovered was 2.8x more likely to be interested in EVs — and matched this niche long-form content with our own.

And the ARIYA was the perfect vehicle.


By the end of our 4-hour cruise, we didn't just infiltrate an online community, we joined one.

Nissan managed to insert itself into this world so seamlessly, people were surprised that they actually enjoyed the ad.


Attention to detail and tasteful design is important to this community, and our work
didn’t go unnoticed. Fans dissected every Nissan branded easter egg or cultural reference for the entire 4 hours.


Our creation provided nothing but endless serenity, relaxing music, and the Nissan ARIYA front and center — which was exactly what LoFi enthusiasts were looking for.

Searches went way up, sales went way up — and range anxiety? Way down.






Named one of Fast Company’s Top 5 Ads of 2023


Thanks for riding with us… for four hours.